Do you have a desktop phone? Do you use it? What is working? What is not? 

These are a few questions Mines IT is asking as we embark on a critical project to replace and modernize our phone system. Our current phone system is old technology supported minimally by an overseas service provider and no longer being updated.  It has numerous issues, including the recent long-distance and voicemail outages.  It’s time to move Mines to a modern in-the-cloud solution.  

The top phone solution providers today support “cloud-based” environments to receive and send calls using:

  • Physical phones (desktop phone)
  • Softphones, and  
  • Mobile apps 

A softphone runs in a browser on your PC, Mac, Linux device, or Chromebook, allowing you to send and receive calls through your Mines-owned computer.  The mobile app will allow you to send/receive calls using your Mines phone number while on a wireless or data connection.  

To help us understand the current and future phone landscape, we’d appreciate your time in answering the questions in this short survey.

Your input is valued and can be shared directly with me at


Andrew, CIO (Chief Information Officer)