Subject: Zoom Accounts and Mines Single Sign-on (SSO)
To improve our ongoing information security practices and make access easier, Mines Zoom login will transition on July 15 to only allow your Mines username and password. This change will remove the ability to log into Zoom with a personal email account, Facebook, or Google login.
This change is automatic. If you are already logged into another Mines service that utilizes our Single Sign-on (SSO), you will be taken directly to the Zoom web portal with no further login needed. If you are not logged into another Mines service that uses SSO, you will be taken to a Mines login page to enter your Mines username and password. After logging in, you will be redirected back to the Zoom web portal.
More details about Zoom at Mines can be found by clicking here.
Mines ITS
Call: (303) 384-2345
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If you receive any suspicious messages about your Mines credentials or asking you for sensitive information, please do not click through any links or attempt to reply – report them to ITS, for further investigation, via a Mines Help Center ticket (https :// helpcenter . mines . edu).