The new Mines Help Center is here

Mines Help Center (“the Helpdesk”) has moved to the new system (and helpdesk process).

The new Mines Help Center is the place for online help with your technology issues, project-management requests, and frequently asked (tech) questions.

To access the new Help Center, visit to submit a support request or browse an improved Knowledge Base for answers. An upgraded Search function lets you quickly identify and ask for the technical service you want — or find the information you need to DIY (if you’re so inclined).

The process may look a little different — and there may be some growing pains as we all get used to the new Helpdesk — but in the end tech support will be faster and more efficient.


FYI: Rather than a genetic form for submitting all inquiries as in the past, the new Mines Help Center will ask you to drill down through a menu to pick a specific task you want to accomplish. Each task can have its own form — allowing us to gather all information about your request in one pass (rather than requiring multiple back-and-forth rounds of correspondence). Though this takes a bit more time to start, it makes for a more efficient process in the end.  If you have any suggestions for improving the new Help Center, click on the “Help Using Mines Help Center” link to request a change.

Welcome to the new Mines Help Center.




Some background

Why are we making changes to the Mines Help Center system? The current system is old and does not have the functionality of the new system now under development. The old system can be cumbersome and requires a lot of manual intervention. Thus, the decision was made to move to a new system. The benefits the new system brings include:

  • Getting your request/issue to the right place/person faster
  • Capturing the right information, up front, to reduce back and forth emailing to clarify the request/issue
  • Automating processes through workflows to have less manual intervention
  • Having the ability to see and interact with your tickets though the Client Portal

While we are starting with ITS Services, the eventual goal is for the portal to be “one place to go if you need something” at Mines.